Thursday, 17 October 2013

Earn To Visitors2cash Per unique visitor 0.5$

How Do I Earn 

Promote Your referral Link on Forums, blogs, comments, chat room , chats, facebook wall , facebook pages, groups , twitter , Ptc sites advertising website to get link visit and earn money on every visit you sent thorough your link

When Will you Paid ? 

The minimum balance required for payout is 30$ and you can get paid through PayPal , Payza , Cheque, Western Union , Money Gram , Bank transfer at end of every month.

How Much can You Earn ? 

You can earn without any limits, it depends solely on your efforts and how much you work to promote your link . Many of our top members are earning more then 50$ per day and 1000$ + Per Month

This Can't be real . Are you giving free money? 

No, the web owner not giving away free money. they are paying you in order to generate traffic to him website. we will get paid from advertisers for the traffic 

Registration Bonus = 2$
Are you ready to Joining

Click here for Joining

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

फेसबुक पर कैसे पैसे कमाए ? How to Earn on Facebook

आज आपको फेसबुक का उपयोग करते हुए   व लिंक पैसे बनाने की विधि के बारे में जानकारी देगें। कि किस तरह आप अपने खाते में कुछ उपयोगी और विषय से संबधित फेसबुक पर पोस्टिग का काम करते है। इस अध्याय में आप सिखगें कि किस प्रकार   में कार्य किया जाता है। किस प्रकार विज्ञापन स्वत ही प्रारम्भ होगा और किस प्रकार   से छोटा लिंक प्राप्त होगा । जैसे ही उस लिंक पर इंटरनेट युसर द्वारा क्लिक किया जाता है। वे उसे देखने के चाहा गया पृष्ठ पर जाने के लिए क्लिक करेगा । तो पहले 5 सेकेंड का विज्ञापन दिखाया जायेगा। उस विज्ञापन का भुगतान आपको मिलेगा वह भुगतान कैसे होगा या किस प्रकार आपको दिया जायेगा।

1. सर्व प्रथम इसके लिए आपको एक फेसबुक खाता बनाना होगा आपके खाता बना हुआ है तो वही खाता इसके लिये उपयोग में ले सकते हैं यदि खाता नहीं है तो खाता बनाने के लिए क्लिक करें ( Sign up ) और फेसबुक खाते के लिए यहां पर भी क्लिक कर बनाया जा सकता है। ( Facebook)

2. निम्न इमेज के ( Register Now  ) पर क्लिक करें ।   का खाता बनाये ।

3. यह के पेपैल और Payoneer के माध्यम से भुगतान करता है यदि आपके पेपैल पर खाता है तो सही है अन्यथा अलग से आपको खाता बनाने की जरूरत होगी । इसका अध्ययन हम अगले अध्याय में देंगे । खाता बनाने के लिए क्लिक करें। ( paypal )

4. यदि आपको कोई पोस्ट , विडियो , इमेज टिवटर पर भेजते है उनका यू आर एल को कोपी करना होता है। उदाहरण नीचे दिया गया है ।

5. यू.आर.एल. को कोपी करें।

6. यू.आर. एल को कोपी करने के पश्चात अपना ।कसिल खाता खोले और किये गये कोपी ऐड्रेस को 2 नम्बर स्थान पर पेस्ट करें और श्ंिा्रक बटन .3 पर क्लिक करें । जिससे कोपी किये गये यूआर.एल. छोटा हो जायेगा । इसे कोपी करें।

7. चूंकि टिवरटर हमें यह आज्ञा नहीं देता है कि हम अपने विज्ञापन पोस्ट करें इस हेतु यह इस लिंक को पोस्ट नहीं करेगा। अतः इसका उपाय और भी है ।

इस यूआरएल को ओपन करें और निम्न चित्रों के अनुसार विधि अनुसार कार्य करें। इससे नया लिंक प्राप्त होता है।
अब आप फेसबुक में जिस तरह कोई विडियो , इमेज पोस्ट करते है उस स्थान पर आप यह प्राप्त लिंक को पेस्ट करें । जो भी यूजर इस लिंक पर क्लिक करेगा । तो सर्वप्रथम एक पांच सेकण्ड का ऐड चलेगा (ैापच ।कक) करने के पश्चात आपके द्वारा डाली गई इमेज या विडिया दिखाई देगा
यह लिंक आप अपने पोस्ट में भेजे और जितने यूसर आपके लिंक को देखेगें। तो प्रत्येक लिंक पर क्लिक पर आपको भुगतान किया जायेगा। जिसकी जानकारी आपके खाते में होगी ।

टिवटर पर कैसे पैसे कमाए जाते है ? How to Earn on Twitter

आज आपको टिवटर का उपयोग करते हुए   व लिंक पैसे बनाने की विधि के बारे में जानकारी देगें। कि किस तरह आप अपने खाते में कुछ उपयोगी और विषय से संबधित टिवटर पर पोस्टिग का काम करते है। इस अध्याय में आप सिखगें कि किस प्रकार   में कार्य किया जाता है। किस प्रकार विज्ञापन स्वत ही प्रारम्भ होगा और किस प्रकार   से छोटा लिंक प्राप्त होगा । जैसे ही उस लिंक पर इंटरनेट युसर द्वारा क्लिक किया जाता है। वे उसे देखने के चाहा गया पृष्ठ पर जाने के लिए क्लिक करेगा । तो पहले 5 सेकेंड का विज्ञापन दिखाया जायेगा। उस विज्ञापन का भुगतान आपको मिलेगा वह भुगतान कैसे होगा या किस प्रकार आपको दिया जायेगा।

1. सर्व प्रथम इसके लिए आपको एक टिवटर खाता बनाना होगा आपके खाता बना हुआ है तो वही खाता इसके लिये उपयोग में ले सकते हैं यदि खाता नहीं है तो खाता बनाने के लिए क्लिक करें ( Sign up ) और टिवटर खाते के लिए यहां पर भी क्लिक कर बनाया जा सकता है। ( twitter)

2. निम्न इमेज के ( Register Now  ) पर क्लिक करें ।   का खाता बनाये ।

3. यह के पेपैल और Payoneer के माध्यम से भुगतान करता है यदि आपके पेपैल पर खाता है तो सही है अन्यथा अलग से आपको खाता बनाने की जरूरत होगी । इसका अध्ययन हम अगले अध्याय में देंगे । खाता बनाने के लिए क्लिक करें। ( paypal )

4. यदि आपको कोई पोस्ट , विडियो , इमेज टिवटर पर भेजते है उनका यू आर एल को कोपी करना होता है। उदाहरण नीचे दिया गया है ।

5. यू.आर.एल. को कोपी करें।

6. यू.आर. एल को कोपी करने के पश्चात अपना ।कसिल खाता खोले और किये गये कोपी ऐड्रेस को 2 नम्बर स्थान पर पेस्ट करें और श्ंिा्रक बटन .3 पर क्लिक करें । जिससे कोपी किये गये यूआर.एल. छोटा हो जायेगा । इसे कोपी करें।

7. चूंकि टिवरटर हमें यह आज्ञा नहीं देता है कि हम अपने विज्ञापन पोस्ट करें इस हेतु यह इस लिंक को पोस्ट नहीं करेगा। अतः इसका उपाय और भी है ।


इस यूआरएल को ओपन करें और निम्न चित्रों के अनुसार विधि अनुसार कार्य करें। इससे नया लिंक प्राप्त होता है। यह लिंक आप अपने पोस्ट में भेजे और जितने यूसर आपके लिंक को देखेगें। तो प्रत्येक लिंक पर क्लिक पर आपको भुगतान किया जायेगा। जिसकी जानकारी आपके खाते में होगी ।

Saturday, 5 October 2013

How to make money from Twitter with adfly [New Guide 2013]

Today you will learn how to automate the money making process using twitter and, this works by automatically posting useful and topic related updates to your twitter account while having links automatically shrunk using and posted to your twitter account, earning you some cash in the process.

How AdFly Works:
People pay to advertise with, and people who shrink their links with get a cut of the profit every time someone clicks an shortened link. (see payout rates)

When the adfly shortened link is clicked, there will be a 5 second ad shown to the person who clicked the link before they are able to move on to the page they wanted to view.

Create A Twitter Account
Create a Twitter account based on a certain niche, maybe about baseball, or weight loss, whatever you want, I prefer to go with what interest me, like a hobby.

Create A Twitterfeed Account 
Go to and sign up for a free account, I'll discuss this later.

Create An Account
Head on over to, and click the "JOIN NOW" button near the top, fill out all the necessary information.

At the bottom of the form, make sure your account type is set to "link shrinker". only pays through PayPal and Payoneer. So be sure you're signed up with one of those.

Working with RSS Feeds
Okay, so now what you want to do is go to Google, and search for any website that posts information and updates about the specific niche that you chose to base your twitter account on.

When you find the site you want, look for something on the page that will link you to that websites RSS feed, If you have trouble finding if they provide feeds or not, you can either go to "FIND" or "SEARCH" located in your browsers toolbar and type RSS in the search box, or enter the web site address in Google and add rss after it.
eg: rss

This will usually bring you to a page where you can select what rss feed you want, some sites offer multiple rss feeds so select the one you feel fits your needs.

Adding Your RSS Feed To TwitterFeed
Go back to, and create a new feed.
Add Feed of your desired website that you found in previous step To Twitterfeed. For this step all you have to do is copy the url of the feed you want to use, and paste it in to twitterfeed.

Add whatever you want for the name, and in the "Blog URL or RSS Feed URL" area, copy/paste (add) the url of the rss feed you want to use.

On the same screen click the "Advanced Settings" button and go to "shorten link through", there is a drop down box beside it, open it up and scroll to the bottom and select "Custom", Leave it empty for now and go back to, while logged in to go to the top of the page and click Tools, on the tools page go to "API Documentation" and click.

On this page you will see a link that looks like this

# represents your id and key.

Now take your key and uid and place it in this link (replace the # with your key and uid) Must Be Replaced With %@ In order for this to work.

Also you may have noticed that in the modified link "advert_type=int" has been removed, this is because TwitterFeed has issues showing the interstitial ad (full page ad) and just leads to a dead page when clicked, or shows the ads but doesn't redirect to the desired page, so the only way to fix this is by removing the "advert_type=int" instruction from the link and will automatically use the interstitial link instruction and will work properly with TwitterFeed.

Now when that's done, all you have to do is copy and paste your new link into the twitterfeed Custom endpoint box and "Continue to step 2" on twitterfeed.

Make sure that you are logged in to the twitter account that you want to use with twitterfeed, you are going to want to activate your twitter account with twitterfeeds oauth so it will automatically post feed/blog updates to your twitter account using the rss feed that you provided to twitterfeed, when that's all done, click done at the bottom, twitter will now get updated feed posts from twitterfeed, and the links in each post will now be automatically shrunk using and posted to your twitter updates, and every time someone clicks your link, you make a bit of cash.

Because getting followers and traffic is hard, i got a lot help from these guides

  • Twitter Traffic Flow System (recommended)
  • Twitter Tornado
  • Twitter Basics For Internet Marketers (more advanced)

Good Luck! Don't forget to leave your feedback.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Earn $4000 easily per month with Adfly

The best way to earn money detailed information is a site which allows you to shorten your URL, it is no different from and However it does differ because they have ad twist. When ever someone opens the short url there is a 5 second frame which shows an ad. The timing is very short and thus majority of the people using this service don’t mind the wait in return for using the system.

Traffic is targeted by country
It is very cheap: 4$-8$ per 1000 unique views (see detailed payout rates here)
Despite the low prices there is some conversion

What is URL shorteners?
URL shorteners can be used to shorten long URLs (please also note that you may shorten virtually any URL you want to, the URL does not have to be long!).

So how much money can you can you make with Adfly? It's a good question. The amount of money you can make with your links depends on where the people who click your links are located.

How much money can I make?
The average rate of pay is $4.00 per thousand clicks. $4.00 may sound small, but just think for a second. How many people use Facebook? Over 500 million people use Facebook on a daily basis. If you could get even a small portion of Facebook users to click on your links, you could be earning a tidy amount of money. A great way to attract lots of users to click on your links is to set up a Facebook group. Many of these groups have more than a million users - so if you get your thinking cap on, you can make good money very quickly!!!. You can also make more money by making videos and post them to Youtube and leave a link in the description. accounts has an easy to reach payment threshold, so once you have earned $5.00 on your account, your earnings will automatically be paid into your PayPal or Payoneer account. If you don't have a Paypal or Payoneer account don't despair, they're both free to join and simple to use.
Sign Up now to

How to Get Traffic For your Links:
Now the question is that how we can get traffic for our links and get more money. So for this there a lot of tips and tricks to get traffic to your links which are given below:

Millions of people use Facebook everyday, so Facebook is the best way to post your links and publish them. (see tutorial here)

Get some followers on twitter and post your links there so your followers can click on these links. (guide1) (guide2)

You can also use for your links by uploading videos. (see tutorial here)

Publish pictures of popular content with links of youw website. (see tutorial here)

5. Make a Website
You can make a free website (blog or free google site) and post your links on the website with your content. (see tutorial here) (see automated system here)

6. Ask your Friends
Ask your friends to follow the links on your website.

7. Use Forums
Write posts or comments on forums to promote your links and website.

8. Ultimate Guide
You can also use this great guide about how to Increase your business and website traffic. Discover The Inside Secrets About Traffic And Flood Your Business With Visitors! (get it here)

P.S - Don't forget to leave a comment. We need your feedback.

Earn Money With AdFly

Perhaps you heard of and may you know how to earn money with it. If you haven't, I will explain how it works.

Adfly is one of the many url shortening services available on the Internet like and But in fact it has a good difference because AdFly combined url shortening with ad serving either on interstitial pages or using banners. If you open a link shortened by the service you are often taken to a page full of ads where you have to wait 5 seconds on before you can click on the skip ad button to get to the actual page you want to visit.. That time is very short and thus majority of the people using your services don’t mind the wait in return for using your services.

In following steps i will show you how to make money with Adfly.
1 - If you don't have an AdFly account, click on this link and sign up.
2 - Visit AdFly website to register in a few minutes you will do it.
3 - After registration they will send you an email confirmation message immediately.
4 - Open your email and click on the link they sent you to verify your account.
5 - Log in to AdFly website again with the email address and the password you used to register.
6 - Update your profile and the payment method that you preferred to be paid with and then click submite button.
7 - Finally, copy any website url address you shoose it,for example, or any referral link and paste it in the shrink box then click shrink.
8 - It will generate a shorter link that looks like this: Copy the new link and paste it on your account pages like Facebook, Twitter, forum, sites etc.
9 - That is all, each time people click on your link it will show them an Ad from AdFly nd also redirect them to the actual url. And you are paid everytime somebody clicks on it.
Some people think that earning money with AdFly harder than it really is. But in fact, AdFly pays based on the total number of clicks it receives from your links. On average, they pay $4.00 per 1000 clicks. It all depends on where the clicks come from. Payout is done monthly through Paypal, Libertyreserve and Payoneer with a $5.00 minimum and you can see each link's revenue in real time.
In a next article i will give you a great tactic to increase you money with AdFly.

Earn Money with AdFly&Facebook

I talked to you in a previous article about how you can earn money with AdFly, and explained how does it works.
Here i will give you some secrets tricks to maximize your earning on adFly. you can do this with your Facebook as i will tell you now.

- If you have a page on Facebook and more than one Facebook accounts ‎with a good amount of friends, or you can work on it to have a good amount of followers/fans.

- Look for an interesting product to direct them to or any website with ‎an interesting article that might interest them.

- Then copy the website address you has chosen and shrink it at Adfly.

- Then copy ‎the shrinked link and paste it on you facebook's fan pages and on you facebook accounts wall.
- Add to the shrinked link a ‎descriptive short note attached to it urging friends and fans to click it and visit the product's website.

- People who are interested in a certain product always hurry to click the link that belong their interested product and visit the website which earns you ‎money each time somebody clicks on your link to visit.
- Remember! pays you more than $4.00 for every1000 clicks on your ‎shrinked or shorten link.
So as much you have a good numbers of fans on your Facebook pages or friends on your account as you will get paid from their clicks on AdFly.

But there are one small problem will face you while you are trying to do that previous steps to earn with your facebook, that is Facebook has banned and blocked link on their website but you can outsmart ‎them and post links links with a smart way.

How you can outsmart this problem??

Here you the smart trick; After shrinking or shortening you link at Adfly, copy it and then go to then click ‎the cloak option box and paste your adfly link in the box and click generate, aftere that, copy the generated link which ‎cannot be blocked again by facebook and paste it on your facebook fan page wall and your profile wall.

But remember to paste it with ‎an attractive short note directing people to click on it and visit the website you want them to visit. But it's ‎better to use this trick on your referral link alone to avoid ban. You can use anyone of that sites which accept them like nulrefer, klyso, ityim etc.

Make your Facebook a way to gain much money with your AdFly account.

If you have any trick more than i mentioned above, please tell me, i will be more than happy.
If you like to sign up on AdFly, you can do here

Ways To Increase Chitika Earnings

I talked to you before about how you can earn money with Chitika in a previous article ( Here).We discussed together how Chitika is considered as one of the best alternatives of Google adsense. Chitika ads is based on ( CPC ) system which mean that your earning comes from the number of clicks you receive on your site.

Chitika has a big feature that it is not strict in approval of blogs or websites. Chitika gives approval to any site unless it contain adult content.

May some publishers on Chitika complain of their earnings are lower than expected specially if they have a high traffic.

Here I try to give you some tricks to maximize your revenue of Chitika ads on your site.
Please follow these tricks, you will will notice your chitika earnings will be near to be doubled.
Utilize of Chitika Apps.

Chitika has released some application to maximize publishers earning. that app. based on three tools; hover, linx and Chitika highlight.

For you, enable just Chitika hover, lynx and Chitika highlight.
Always use the standard text ad type and place this ad wherever you want.
Important note.

It's highly recommended to avoid using Chitika pages. Because readers dislike pop-up pages in a website or blog, they turn off any site give them that pops, especially that full page irritating ads.
Put ads wisely

You know that Chitika ads depends on “related results” type ads. So, you should only put them either below or on top of your blog posts. This position of ads can definitely increase clicks rate.
Number of ads on your site

Do not fill all side bars of your site with ads.After you activated Chitika app. and put one ad inside your posts either in the top or under of the article, you should stop of putting more ads in everywhere in your site, such mistake will make your visitors easily realize that it’s just an ad, that sure will decrease chances of receiving clicks.

If you don't signed up for Chitika till now, you can do it now Here.
That was my experience with Chitika ads in how to improve click rate, if you have other tricks; please tell me. I will be more than happy if you do.

How to earn from Chitika Ads more effectively | TIP

Own a website or Blog and wants to monetize your content but sadly Not able to get a Google adsense account,
No worries, there are lots of other options available that are better known as Google Adsense alternatives and Chitika is one among them. Most of the readers of this post might be using Chitika as there monetizing advertisement program and in this post I am going to tell you how to earn from Chitika ads more effectively that means how to earn Chitika earnings.

Ad placement matters a lot because the number of clicks on ads is directly proportional to the visibility of ads at a particular location. The best location of the ad has already been posted earlier .Check that here for knowing more about ad placement areas and this explains the best and the worst area of ad positioning .This helps in increasing earnings to an extent. This rule applies to not only Chitika but for all the ad programs whether it is adsense or adbrite.


Yes, inserting ads inside the blog posts helps in increasing earnings as the probability or the chances of clicks on ads increases. So all the bloggers must try inserting ads inside blog posts , like I have done. Take a look at the snapshot of that.

3) THIRD : - Last but not the least , the Chitika referral programme that can help a great deal in earning revenue.
How Chitika Referral system works:-

Simply if you refer Chitika to a webmaster/friend and he/she signs up for the Chitika ads to display on his site/blog.
It can help you earn 10 % of what your webmaster/friend earns for the first 15 months.

Also you can use banners on your website/blog to redirect them to chitika via your account.
Such banners look like:-

Monday, 23 September 2013

Earn Money Form Facebook Account

You can earn money in online from home, if you want to change your life . you can earn $100 to $250 every day if you work properly continue. if you want to work really to you need account in odesk , freelancer , microworker . robelworker . fiverr , etc outsourcing workplace plateform web site need you account that and profile complete , you need exam for got a high quality project and very demand full project and budget , so now making self you than go to work and apply your first project. if you win bidding project , many project available for you , but if you can choice many categories have for you , example: facebook marketing, etc work can you choice this categories , because this categories very easy , you just using account and like fanpage , web site , post, status, comments like, friends add, subscriber , facebook apps . etc work for you have and so now you need multiple facebook account, if you need start work properly , so now create multi facebook account for you , if you not have multiple account , to you need create, now create your fb account from facebook official website , than go to freelancer , odesk , etc workplace site for looking jobs and apply to bidding your project than if you win this project to complete properly time , if you can hope making your jobs and complete time to time , and i hope you are great if you happy make your project buyer , so love online income and successyour life and making your great life history , so kindly making your online life and when you success than i am sure to tell you many people success than follow your rule your , so will tell you many many to first success your life than talk others friends & familly or any people , so if you work continue and happy your buyer to you can earn money , per day $100 to $250 usd dollar than count your monthly payment may be thousand up usd dollar , so i akm sure your life is be change very immediatly , fb is a social network site , and very great way for traffic generation for any website and etc service and product selling helper ,,, so We Hope Change your life must be,

Thank You

5 Real Way To Earn Form Facebook That No One Will Tell You

Facebook is one of the top most visited websites with over one billion monthly visitors. Facebook magic has been spread so fast that it fascinated people belonging to the different cultures & age groups all around the globe. Basically the Facebook is a social networking site that provides rich platform to make new connections with likeminded people, engage with them and exchange valuable information, thoughts and ideas; however facebook can be used to earn money in the multiple ways. You can earn hundreds and thousands of dollars by just sitting back in your home.

Before going to the techniques on how to earn money on facebook you should remember one thing that facebook is not an online marketplace for buying & selling like Freelancer or Fiverr, yet you can earn from facebook with different techniques. Below mentioned facebook earning techniques are real one used by number of people to earn handsome earning; however most people are scared to share these techniques.

Sell Product Via Facebook Marketplace

Facebook marketplace allows users a socially connected platform to buy and sell products. Using facebook marketplace you can sell your branded products as well as promote someone else products to earn handsome commission. Marketplace also enables you to sell physical products such as vehicles, computers, laptops etc; rent houses & apartments, provide services and offer jobs.

You don’t have to worry if you have zero investment or you don’t have anything to sell. Just sing up to click bank or other relevant site, select any products and promote them on your facebook. You can simply paste selling links in your status updates; however the best way to promote these products is through dedicated facebook page.

Make a Facebook Page 

Develop a facebook page on particular topic (Let say page related to fitness). Increase page fans (through facebook ads or by requesting friends) and then promote relevant products (Fitness medicines, DVDs or EBooks). Through this technique is a bit time consuming but the earning levels are beyond your thoughts. So give a try to this. Remember that you will require fewer efforts to get earning if you are successful to publish viral posts and able to get enthusiastic fans on your facebook page. Moreover if your page is successful to grab high number facebook fans so business will contact you for promoting their products, thus opening another income avenue.

Work as an Ad Arbitrager

With the unique targeted ads feature of facebook more and more people and businesses are interested to promote their products on facebook. This brings a golden opportunity for everyone to become an ad arbitrager and provide targeted ads to the customer using facebook ads service. Using this technique you can earn good amount on commission on each new like your client’s fan page receives.

Become a Facebook party planner

Facebook has built in event feature; so why not to explore it? Yes you can use this feature in an innovative way to earn few bucks every month. Facebook allows you to invite party or event guests, provide them continuous updates, and upload post party information & photographs. This feature is very simple to use however you need to active user to get more orders and to plan the event effectively.

You can develop facebook page (Like “XYZ Facebook party planners”), tell people about the significance of Facebook party planner and also give your phone number so they can directly call and hire your service. Developing a visiting card and distributing it to the companies & organizations would also be very effective.

Facebook market researcher

Companies remain in search to explore new ways of reaching to their targeted customers. Facebook is unique platform having existing customers & potential customers of all the industries, ages and different geographical locations. However someone needs to tap this information (Most companies are still unaware or scared to spend big resources on facebook companies). This gives great opportunity to those who have basic skills of market research. By using the market research techniques with information on company’s targeted audience on facebook you can prepare a comprehensive report that can pay you a good return of your work.

Are you earning money on Facebook? Do you know any other way of earning money on facebook? Let us know by commenting below.